I believe that the public should know everything that the government is doing. I believe this because since we have the right to chose who we want in the government we should be told everything that the government does and have a say in it. I think that we will not have an effective government without complete transparency. I thinks this because the things that are going on now that we are being told are going to tear the country apart.
I would release it because the public needs to know what the government is doing and have a say in what they are doing wrong and voice their opinion on whether or not its wrong to do. I would justify my actions by saying the the public needs to know what is going on in the government, they are ones who chose who they wanted in government so they should know what the government is doing and say their opinions on whether or not they think is is right and what needs to change.
If I had information that I thought the public should know, I would send it to Wikileaks because I know that it would get to the public, rather than have Openleaks take a look at it and if they liked it they would send it to the news entities and probably wouldn't get publish and if they didn't like it they wouldn't send it to the news entities.
The news article that I found talks about Julian Assange and how the government is treating him in court. My opinion is that he shouldn't be in jail and that the only reason that hes in jail is because the government doesn't want the public to know what they are doing.
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Monday, December 6, 2010
Analayzing News Video
Slain yachtsman's daughter returning
1) Q: What is the story? (What is the point of the news report?)
A: The news story is about a young woman, Myda Egrmajer, who was sailing with her father, Mylan Egrmajer, when thieves boarded their boat and shot him. She is returning home to Canada from Honduras.
2) Q: What is the establishing shot in the video?
A: The establishing shot in the video is when Mylan Egrmajer's nephew, Eric Van Reason, and a woman are talking about where the attack happened and the last message was sent from Mylan Egrmajer's boat.
3) Q: What is the introduction?
A: The introduction is when the newscaster was explaining what happened and who the video was going to be about and everybody involved.
4) Q: Most likely "sources" are used in the report and they are making comments or being quoted. Name two of them.
A: Eric Van Reason and Captain John are two sources in this video.
5) Q: Based on what these two sources say, what questions do you think they were asked? Create two questions for each source that you feel they were probably asked.
A: A question that would of probably been asked to Eric Van Reason could be been "Was there any distress calls made from the boat before the accident?" A question that would of probably been asked to Captain John could of been "How did you hear about the accident?"
6) Q: Identify two different types of "B-roll" in the video.
A: Two different types of "B-roll" in the video are when Eric Van Reason and a woman are on the computer talking about the accident and when Captain John is talking, they show on a map where he is.
7) Q: What are two other types of "B-roll" footage that you think they could have used (consider what is being said in the voice overs)?
A: Two different types of "B-roll" they could of used are shots of the boat where it happened and more shots of Myda Egrmajer and Mylan Egrmajer together.
8) Q: Identify two different voice overs and briefly list what facts are in each voice over.
A: Two different voice overs that were in the video are: Melanie Nagy, she gives all the information about the accident and the people and Captain John, he talks about how he knew Mylan Egrmajer, what happened, and how he heard about it.
9) Q: What is the closing to the video?
A: The closing of the video is Melanie Nady talking about how people should use caution in Honduras and saying that Myda Egrmajer is going to be returning safely home.
10) Q: Who is the reporter and what is her/his tag at the end?
A: The reporter is Melanie Nady and her tag at the end is "Melanie Nady, CBC News, Saint Catherine, Ontario."
1) Q: What is the story? (What is the point of the news report?)
A: The news story is about a young woman, Myda Egrmajer, who was sailing with her father, Mylan Egrmajer, when thieves boarded their boat and shot him. She is returning home to Canada from Honduras.
2) Q: What is the establishing shot in the video?
A: The establishing shot in the video is when Mylan Egrmajer's nephew, Eric Van Reason, and a woman are talking about where the attack happened and the last message was sent from Mylan Egrmajer's boat.
3) Q: What is the introduction?
A: The introduction is when the newscaster was explaining what happened and who the video was going to be about and everybody involved.
4) Q: Most likely "sources" are used in the report and they are making comments or being quoted. Name two of them.
A: Eric Van Reason and Captain John are two sources in this video.
5) Q: Based on what these two sources say, what questions do you think they were asked? Create two questions for each source that you feel they were probably asked.
A: A question that would of probably been asked to Eric Van Reason could be been "Was there any distress calls made from the boat before the accident?" A question that would of probably been asked to Captain John could of been "How did you hear about the accident?"
6) Q: Identify two different types of "B-roll" in the video.
A: Two different types of "B-roll" in the video are when Eric Van Reason and a woman are on the computer talking about the accident and when Captain John is talking, they show on a map where he is.
7) Q: What are two other types of "B-roll" footage that you think they could have used (consider what is being said in the voice overs)?
A: Two different types of "B-roll" they could of used are shots of the boat where it happened and more shots of Myda Egrmajer and Mylan Egrmajer together.
8) Q: Identify two different voice overs and briefly list what facts are in each voice over.
A: Two different voice overs that were in the video are: Melanie Nagy, she gives all the information about the accident and the people and Captain John, he talks about how he knew Mylan Egrmajer, what happened, and how he heard about it.
9) Q: What is the closing to the video?
A: The closing of the video is Melanie Nady talking about how people should use caution in Honduras and saying that Myda Egrmajer is going to be returning safely home.
10) Q: Who is the reporter and what is her/his tag at the end?
A: The reporter is Melanie Nady and her tag at the end is "Melanie Nady, CBC News, Saint Catherine, Ontario."
Thursday, November 25, 2010
"I'm a Man"
Frum maintained her cool and continued with the interview while asking the questions she felt were important by not showing her agitation and not caring what the woman was saying when she was giving stupid answers.
I think that if Frum had been more aggressive or confrontational the interview would have ended quicker and Sandra Good would of got angry and might of said somethings that would of been very inappropriate to say on the radio.
I feel that the one question that Frum asked that was very effective was "When did you see Lynettte Fromme last?" I feel that this one is the most effective because it had a rise in Sandra Good and it made the interview take different turns and made the interview more interesting.
Something that Terry Seguin discussed last Friday that would be good to remember when either preparing interview questions or doing an interview is don't let the person being interviewed avoid the question your trying to ask. If they don't answer it then ask it again but word it differently.
As a student journalist I can learn from Frum, that when an interview goes wrong to keep my cool and keep asking the question that I want answered.
As a student journalist, if I had the opportunity to interview anyone, it would be the Queen of England. I would want to interview the Queen of England because she would be a very interesting person to interview. I don't think it would be a tough interview because I doubt she would be a troublemaker and make the interview hard.
I think that if Frum had been more aggressive or confrontational the interview would have ended quicker and Sandra Good would of got angry and might of said somethings that would of been very inappropriate to say on the radio.
I feel that the one question that Frum asked that was very effective was "When did you see Lynettte Fromme last?" I feel that this one is the most effective because it had a rise in Sandra Good and it made the interview take different turns and made the interview more interesting.
Something that Terry Seguin discussed last Friday that would be good to remember when either preparing interview questions or doing an interview is don't let the person being interviewed avoid the question your trying to ask. If they don't answer it then ask it again but word it differently.
As a student journalist I can learn from Frum, that when an interview goes wrong to keep my cool and keep asking the question that I want answered.
As a student journalist, if I had the opportunity to interview anyone, it would be the Queen of England. I would want to interview the Queen of England because she would be a very interesting person to interview. I don't think it would be a tough interview because I doubt she would be a troublemaker and make the interview hard.
Friday, November 12, 2010
Caught in Lies
1) I have never considered whether or not the news I was either watching or reading to be factually incorrect or even fabricated because I don't read or watch the news often and much of the news I either read or watch has no interest for me.
2) My reaction to the two article was that I thought it was very stupid for them to make up an article. I'm not surprised that professional journalists make up stories because anyone will do anything to keep their jobs.
3) I disagree with this statement because some people might just have a boring story and they want to make it more interesting by adding fake information. They might of also done this to keep their jobs.
4) I think that colleges and universities should make the journalism graduates realize how hard the journalism world is and help to be able to handle the pressure of the job. I think that they should help them gain the responsibility to handle being a journalism.
5) I think that when ethics arise that a newspaper's ombudsman does help because the ombudsman responds to the readers complaints and has his say about what the complaints are.
2) My reaction to the two article was that I thought it was very stupid for them to make up an article. I'm not surprised that professional journalists make up stories because anyone will do anything to keep their jobs.
3) I disagree with this statement because some people might just have a boring story and they want to make it more interesting by adding fake information. They might of also done this to keep their jobs.
4) I think that colleges and universities should make the journalism graduates realize how hard the journalism world is and help to be able to handle the pressure of the job. I think that they should help them gain the responsibility to handle being a journalism.
5) I think that when ethics arise that a newspaper's ombudsman does help because the ombudsman responds to the readers complaints and has his say about what the complaints are.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Hard News vs. Soft News
Article #1
This article on the CBC News website, "Indonesia volcano starts to erupt" would be considered hard news. It would be considered hard news because it tells you the what, when, where and it tells you all the facts about the volcano from the past to present. Since it had a picture of the volcano it set the tone of the article. It didn't have any soft news in the article.
Article #2
This article on the Globe and Mail website, "Canada calls planned execution of Iranian woman ‘completely out of line’" would be considered in between hard and soft news. It would be considered in between hard and soft news because there is a who, what, when, and where but it is also a human interest story because they are discussing whats going to happen to the woman and her lifestyle.
Article #3
This article on the CBC News website, "Greece warns of more bombs" would be considered hard news. It would be considered hard news because it tells you all the information about the bombs. Its considered hard news because it has a picture which has more affect.
Article #4
This article on the CBC News website, "Review: Microsoft Kinect and Playstation Move" would be considered soft news. It would be considered soft news because it is entertainment and has nothing to do with serious news.
Article #5
This article on the CBC News website, "The man in full" would be considered soft news. It would be considered soft news because it is more personal interest than normal news. It has nothing to do with any serious news.
This article on the CBC News website, "Indonesia volcano starts to erupt" would be considered hard news. It would be considered hard news because it tells you the what, when, where and it tells you all the facts about the volcano from the past to present. Since it had a picture of the volcano it set the tone of the article. It didn't have any soft news in the article.
Article #2
This article on the Globe and Mail website, "Canada calls planned execution of Iranian woman ‘completely out of line’" would be considered in between hard and soft news. It would be considered in between hard and soft news because there is a who, what, when, and where but it is also a human interest story because they are discussing whats going to happen to the woman and her lifestyle.
Article #3
This article on the CBC News website, "Greece warns of more bombs" would be considered hard news. It would be considered hard news because it tells you all the information about the bombs. Its considered hard news because it has a picture which has more affect.
Article #4
This article on the CBC News website, "Review: Microsoft Kinect and Playstation Move" would be considered soft news. It would be considered soft news because it is entertainment and has nothing to do with serious news.
Article #5
This article on the CBC News website, "The man in full" would be considered soft news. It would be considered soft news because it is more personal interest than normal news. It has nothing to do with any serious news.
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Is it Newsworthy?
News Story #1
Families await results of autopsy on woman’s body found near 'Highway of Tears'
Timing 2/4
The timing of the article should of been posted sooner because it happened a week ago and people should have been informed about this.
Significance 2.5/4
The significance of the article is since that all the woman that are missing all have families and they are affected.
Proximity 3/4
Since it happened in Canada it is more related to us as a nation.
Prominence 2/4
Since the article is not dealing with anyone famous it doesn't make it all that interesting.
Human Interest 3/4
The human interest is good because it can connect to people.
News Story #2
Nepal teen turns 18 and becomes world's shortest man
Timing 4/4
The timing of this article was really good because it was published the day it happened.
Significance 2/4
Since it only affects the people that are related to the boy and the people that are involved in the Guinness Book of World Records.
Proximity 1/4
Since this happened in in Nepal so its not close to us at all, which means that it doesn't have a major affect on us.
Prominence 2/4
He became famous after he received the awards and after the article was published.
Human Interest 2/4
There is not alot of human interest because maybe not alot of people have an interest in the Guinness Book of World Records.
News Story #3
Cap-Pele man dies in car crash
Timing 4/4
The timing of this article is really good because it was published the day it happened.
Significance 2/4
Since it really only affects the family of the person killed, there is not alot of significance.
Proximity 3/4
Since it happened close to Moncton.
Prominence 1/4
He is not famous at all.
Human Interest 2/4
Since it only involves one person there isn't alot of human interest.
News Story #4
Habs slip past Senators
Timing 4/4
The timing of this article is really good since the article was published the day of the game.
Significance 4/4
There is alot of significance because everybody who are Hab fans and the Hab team are affected by this win.
Proximity 3/4
Since this is happening in Canada and deals with a Canadian team, the article has a alot of proximity.
Prominence 4/4
Since it is dealing with a NHL team, the article has alot of prominence.
Human Interest 3/4
The only people that would be interested in this article are the people tha are fans of the Habs and anyone who follows NHL.
Families await results of autopsy on woman’s body found near 'Highway of Tears'
Timing 2/4
The timing of the article should of been posted sooner because it happened a week ago and people should have been informed about this.
Significance 2.5/4
The significance of the article is since that all the woman that are missing all have families and they are affected.
Proximity 3/4
Since it happened in Canada it is more related to us as a nation.
Prominence 2/4
Since the article is not dealing with anyone famous it doesn't make it all that interesting.
Human Interest 3/4
The human interest is good because it can connect to people.
News Story #2
Nepal teen turns 18 and becomes world's shortest man
Timing 4/4
The timing of this article was really good because it was published the day it happened.
Significance 2/4
Since it only affects the people that are related to the boy and the people that are involved in the Guinness Book of World Records.
Proximity 1/4
Since this happened in in Nepal so its not close to us at all, which means that it doesn't have a major affect on us.
Prominence 2/4
He became famous after he received the awards and after the article was published.
Human Interest 2/4
There is not alot of human interest because maybe not alot of people have an interest in the Guinness Book of World Records.
News Story #3
Cap-Pele man dies in car crash
Timing 4/4
The timing of this article is really good because it was published the day it happened.
Significance 2/4
Since it really only affects the family of the person killed, there is not alot of significance.
Proximity 3/4
Since it happened close to Moncton.
Prominence 1/4
He is not famous at all.
Human Interest 2/4
Since it only involves one person there isn't alot of human interest.
News Story #4
Habs slip past Senators
Timing 4/4
The timing of this article is really good since the article was published the day of the game.
Significance 4/4
There is alot of significance because everybody who are Hab fans and the Hab team are affected by this win.
Proximity 3/4
Since this is happening in Canada and deals with a Canadian team, the article has a alot of proximity.
Prominence 4/4
Since it is dealing with a NHL team, the article has alot of prominence.
Human Interest 3/4
The only people that would be interested in this article are the people tha are fans of the Habs and anyone who follows NHL.
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Drunk driver kills teen

Late Saturday night, 47 year old Chuck White was driving under the influence and had a head on collision with 18 year old Cindy LeBlanc, killing her instantly. The accident happened on the corner of Peasant Street and Hollow Drive.
Officer Paul Smith had this to say about the accident, "It's a real tragedy, this kind of accident could of easily been preventable."
The family was very heartbroken over the death of their only daughter. Martha LeBlanc, Cindy's mother, had this to say, "Cindy had everything going for her, she was going to go away to university next month. Please don't drink and drive."
Officer Paul Smith had this to say about the accident, "It's a real tragedy, this kind of accident could of easily been preventable."
The family was very heartbroken over the death of their only daughter. Martha LeBlanc, Cindy's mother, had this to say, "Cindy had everything going for her, she was going to go away to university next month. Please don't drink and drive."
Chuck White is getting charged with manslaughter and a DUI. Chuck will serve up to 5 years in jail with possible chance of parole.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Starting with the basics
News story #1
The news article is talking about Newfoundland and Labrador and how they are dealing with the aftermath of hurricane Igor. Hurricane Igor happened from September 21 - 22, 2010. The reason that they did an article on the aftermath of Hurricane Igor is because the aftermath was enormous and people need to be informed about the people of Newfoundland. The lead is very effective because it catches your attention. It catches your attention because it is very informative but it makes you want to keep reading because it doesn't tell you all the information. "Unfortunately, we have our drivers held up on both sides of the road closure," said Gord Peddle, an official with the Atlantic Provinces Trucking Association. "Both sides [are] just more or less waiting it out." The source of this quote is Gord Peddle. The most important and interesting information was told first. It was talking about the most interesting things about the aftermath of Hurricane Igor. The story has a good ending because it explained how the storm set records and that the how much rain Newfoundland and Labrador got in a short period of time, which shows how bad Hurricane Igor really was.
News Story #2
The news article is talking about how Quebec dropped what would of been precedent-setting plan to charge health fees. This is happening currently in Quebec. The reason that they did a article on the charge of health fees in Quebec is because people everywhere were in an uproar over the fact that Quebec wanted to start to charge health fees. The lead is very effective because it catches your attention. The lead catches your attention because it leaves you wanting to know more about the issue. "The polls had been very favorable to user fees. But when it's staring people in the face they change their minds," Finance Minister Raymond Bachand said Wednesday. The source of this quote is Finance Minister Raymond Bachand. The most important and interesting information is told first. This information is about how they have dropped the idea and why they did. It has a good ending because the ending keeps you thinking about what is the government going to do now to fill that budget shortfall.
News Story #3
The news article is about how the Iran nuclear program was disrupted by a cyber attack. This just happened recently in Iran. They wrote this article because it tells people about this virus, what it does, and how sophisticated this virus is. The lead is very effective. It is effective because it catches your attention and leaves you wanting to know more about this virus in Iran. “We cannot rule out the possibility (of a state being behind it). Largely based on the resources, organization and in-depth knowledge across several fields – including specific knowledge of installations in Iran – it would have to be a state or a non-state actor with access to those kinds of (state) systems.” The source of this quote is Kevin Hogan, Senior Director of Security Response at Symantec. The most important and interesting information is told at the first of this article. The important and interesting information is what happened when the virus was put into the Iran nuclear program and how its not only in their computers but other peoples computer are getting this virus too. The article has a good ending because the companies are reassuring everyone that they are working on finding the source of the virus and how to fix it.
The news article is talking about Newfoundland and Labrador and how they are dealing with the aftermath of hurricane Igor. Hurricane Igor happened from September 21 - 22, 2010. The reason that they did an article on the aftermath of Hurricane Igor is because the aftermath was enormous and people need to be informed about the people of Newfoundland. The lead is very effective because it catches your attention. It catches your attention because it is very informative but it makes you want to keep reading because it doesn't tell you all the information. "Unfortunately, we have our drivers held up on both sides of the road closure," said Gord Peddle, an official with the Atlantic Provinces Trucking Association. "Both sides [are] just more or less waiting it out." The source of this quote is Gord Peddle. The most important and interesting information was told first. It was talking about the most interesting things about the aftermath of Hurricane Igor. The story has a good ending because it explained how the storm set records and that the how much rain Newfoundland and Labrador got in a short period of time, which shows how bad Hurricane Igor really was.
News Story #2
The news article is talking about how Quebec dropped what would of been precedent-setting plan to charge health fees. This is happening currently in Quebec. The reason that they did a article on the charge of health fees in Quebec is because people everywhere were in an uproar over the fact that Quebec wanted to start to charge health fees. The lead is very effective because it catches your attention. The lead catches your attention because it leaves you wanting to know more about the issue. "The polls had been very favorable to user fees. But when it's staring people in the face they change their minds," Finance Minister Raymond Bachand said Wednesday. The source of this quote is Finance Minister Raymond Bachand. The most important and interesting information is told first. This information is about how they have dropped the idea and why they did. It has a good ending because the ending keeps you thinking about what is the government going to do now to fill that budget shortfall.
News Story #3
The news article is about how the Iran nuclear program was disrupted by a cyber attack. This just happened recently in Iran. They wrote this article because it tells people about this virus, what it does, and how sophisticated this virus is. The lead is very effective. It is effective because it catches your attention and leaves you wanting to know more about this virus in Iran. “We cannot rule out the possibility (of a state being behind it). Largely based on the resources, organization and in-depth knowledge across several fields – including specific knowledge of installations in Iran – it would have to be a state or a non-state actor with access to those kinds of (state) systems.” The source of this quote is Kevin Hogan, Senior Director of Security Response at Symantec. The most important and interesting information is told at the first of this article. The important and interesting information is what happened when the virus was put into the Iran nuclear program and how its not only in their computers but other peoples computer are getting this virus too. The article has a good ending because the companies are reassuring everyone that they are working on finding the source of the virus and how to fix it.
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Applying for the job
September 21, 2010
Mr. Allen Carter
Blackville High School
I am interested in applying for the position of photographer and reporter at The Talon, which was advertised by you, Mr. Carter, in Journalism class, September 20, 2010.
As a high school student, I have developed the skills needed for this position. I also have the experience in this field of work because last year, I did some interviews and other things related to this position. I have the skills as a photographer as well because I love taking pictures and do so on my own time.
I would enjoy being part of The Talon team and am available for an interview at your convenience.
Jessie C.
Blackville, New Brunswick
September 21, 2010
Mr. Allen Carter
Blackville High School
I am interested in applying for the position of yearbook photographer at the Blackville School, which was advertised by you, Mr. Carter, in Journalism class, September 21, 2010.
As a high school student, I have developed the skills needed for this position. I love taking pictures and I do so on my own time, which gives me the skills for this position. I would do a great job at taking yearbook photos because it is a passion of mine and I would love to help out with yearbook.
I would enjoy being part of the yearbook committee and am available for an interview at your convenience.
Jessie C.
Blackville, New Brunswick
Mr. Allen Carter
Blackville High School
I am interested in applying for the position of photographer and reporter at The Talon, which was advertised by you, Mr. Carter, in Journalism class, September 20, 2010.
As a high school student, I have developed the skills needed for this position. I also have the experience in this field of work because last year, I did some interviews and other things related to this position. I have the skills as a photographer as well because I love taking pictures and do so on my own time.
I would enjoy being part of The Talon team and am available for an interview at your convenience.
Jessie C.
Blackville, New Brunswick
September 21, 2010
Mr. Allen Carter
Blackville High School
I am interested in applying for the position of yearbook photographer at the Blackville School, which was advertised by you, Mr. Carter, in Journalism class, September 21, 2010.
As a high school student, I have developed the skills needed for this position. I love taking pictures and I do so on my own time, which gives me the skills for this position. I would do a great job at taking yearbook photos because it is a passion of mine and I would love to help out with yearbook.
I would enjoy being part of the yearbook committee and am available for an interview at your convenience.
Jessie C.
Blackville, New Brunswick
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Reflection Entry #1 – First Newspapers
Some obvious differences between newspapers today and the newspapers back then are, the newspapers back then had a different font and they had less information on them. The newspapers today have more pictures, ads, and more important information. The newspapers today are bigger and more up to date than the newspapers back then. Today's newspapers have colored pictures and the newspapers back the didn't even have pictures.
I think that the reason that today's newspapers are still published even though they are critical is because the government doesn't have a very big say in what gets published or not. I think that the government doesn't have a big say in what gets published or not because they only care about the information that is getting published in the newspapers that are about them. If the information doesn't concern them they allow the newspaper company to publish them. They kinda monitor what gets published, if its not appropriate they will not let it get published.
I was kinda surprised to find out that the first newspaper in Canada was in Halifax. Halifax is a big city now and was back then too. I was expecting the first newspaper in Canada to be in Ontario or Ottawa, somewhere where the city is huge and filled with important news. Halifax seemed like a place where the news wouldn't be all that important, but as it turns out Halifax had some news to tell.
I think that the reason that today's newspapers are still published even though they are critical is because the government doesn't have a very big say in what gets published or not. I think that the government doesn't have a big say in what gets published or not because they only care about the information that is getting published in the newspapers that are about them. If the information doesn't concern them they allow the newspaper company to publish them. They kinda monitor what gets published, if its not appropriate they will not let it get published.
I was kinda surprised to find out that the first newspaper in Canada was in Halifax. Halifax is a big city now and was back then too. I was expecting the first newspaper in Canada to be in Ontario or Ottawa, somewhere where the city is huge and filled with important news. Halifax seemed like a place where the news wouldn't be all that important, but as it turns out Halifax had some news to tell.
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